Friday, April 25, 2008

The jobs you don't want to do

I have just mown the lawn (well, technically, I have just eaten the cheese and salad rolls I made for lunch, but before that I did the lawn). This represents the last of the four jobs that I needed to do during my week off. Even the bathroom is spotless, after having been thoroughly cleaned on Wednesday.

The truth is, I finally ran out of time, and so had no choice but to mow the lawn this morning. And on Wednesday I finally ran out of excuses, having done everything else that 'had' to be done. Even so, I had to put on the "Superman Returns" soundtrack in order to feel especially heroic, and so able to tackle it.

There now remain the things that I don't have to do during my week off, but would like to do something towards. Fortunately, these are far more pleasant. I have already made large inroads into refreshing my wardrobe for the new year (new shoes, new trainers, new white shirts, new trousers, new sports kit, and one more new pair of jeans). The big pile o'books to read hasn't gotten any smaller, and has in fact grown, but that's okay really. And there are half a dozen movies I have to watch that I recorded off Sky (expect another set of scathing reviews shortly).

Plus, THE BIG ONE. I've now been in this apartment two years (actually, two years on the 2nd). It's high time I stopped renting and found a place to buy. Naturally, my timing sucks. Perhaps I'll just wait a few months, and see what the market in Scotland does (prices are still going up here, for now, but will that continue?).

Anyway, it's about time I went back to work. I hate having nothing to do.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love having nothing to do! I have to work on my garden this weekend which I am not looking forward to as it requires a lot of manual labor, however, someone is helping me and giving me lots of free stuff so I have no choice.

I found this link for you which gives you more info on the Pushing Daisies episode you are missing:
I know reading about it is not the same as watching it, but at least you will be caught up!