Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Concerned about the church

Sunday's service at the local church was okay. The people there were generally quite nice, the focus seemed to be in the right place, and it was all handled quite well.


Once again, I found myself in a church consisting of a very small number of children, then a big gap, and then a whole load of older people. As far as I could tell, with the exception of the minister, there was no-one within ten years of my age, on either side.

This isn't some new revelation, and shouldn't come as a shock to anyone. However, it really doesn't bode well for the church in Scotland at all. Indeed, it suggests that within 20 years, the church is likely to lose 80% of its membership, simply as they die off (perhaps not, since people are living longer than they once did. However, add twenty years to the average age in most congregations, and the church is likely to become really quite moribund).

I don't know what the answer to this is. I'm not sure there even is an answer. But it seems rather unfortunate that there seems to be a new generation of younger and very capable ministers just coming into their own, but it looks like they might find themselves preaching to empty pews.

(Actually, I tell a lie; I do know the answer to this. The way to attract more younger people is to attract more younger people. In youth groups, and indeed groups in general, there's such a thing as 'critical mass'. If you get enough people together, the group will naturally expand as they pull in others. If you don't have enough people, the group will gradually shrink, as people naturally drift away to do other things. But going from the current one or two to the requisite twenty or twenty-five... that's the real trick.)

1 comment:

Chris M said...

Good post.

You see, many churches still (and this always amazes me) refuse to grasp this issue and think that things will just be ok.

It's God's church and He alone saves people and draws them to Him.

But we should be working in partnership with God. And part of this partnership is not merely identifying that we need younger people there, but working hard on a plan of action to get and keep them there.

Also, there is no point in just bringing these guys along without the proper respect and trust being given. My generation is a very talented one (this is not a boast) and we have many great skills to bring to the church. But these talents are being snuffed out by an older generation who just can't let go. And this results in disillusionment and people wondering off.