Saturday, January 07, 2012

The First Book of 2012

This afternoon, I finished "Great Expectations", my first book of 2012. According to the back cover, this is regarded as Dickens' finest novel. Sadly, I can't agree; it was good, but I preferred "Tale of Two Cities", which remains the best novel I have ever read.

Still, it was a very good book indeed, although I didn't think either of the two endings was terribly strong. I felt it could have done with another hundred pages or so to tie things up more neatly.

Anyway, having finished the book, I can now start watching the recent BBC adaptation, which I saved over the Christmas break. I've heard mixed reviews, so it will be interesting to find out for myself.

#1: "Great Expectations", by Charles Dickens (a book from The List)

1 comment:

Kezzie said...

Ha ha, I haven't posted the 'post' yet, but that's on my 'to do' booklist for next year!