Thursday, February 19, 2015

Update on Goals

We're now 50 days into the new year (already!), and so it's time for the first update on my goals:

  • Weight: Some progress here, but an awful lot still to go. One thing that is of particular note is that since returning to work I've made it to the gym on all but one of the Fridays. The missing week was due to ill health, which I think is an acceptable reason.
  • Books: 8 books done, which puts me exactly on target. The only thing that is of some little concern is that I haven't yet read any books from The List this year, though I have read the first quarter of "Gone With the Wind" with a view to catching up in some future month (hopefully March, but perhaps April).
  • Games: Likewise, I'm right on target here, having had one session in January and with a second planned for the end of this month.
  • Work: Work has been difficult, but good. Nothing much to report here.
  • Band: This goal looks almost certain to be completed, except for one possible wrinkle: it looks like we might not compete at all this year! I'll update on that at a later time, once I know something solid.
  • Super Secret Goal #4: We've (well, mostly LC) started work on the minor repairs and redecorations of the flat, which is positive, but there's still a lot to do. It's also proving stressful trying to chase the council to do the roof repair...

And that's where we are. At present, it looks like a clean sweep of goals might actually be possible.

1 comment:

Kezzie said...

I'm impressed! You motivated person yoU!x