Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Blogging for my Cactus

A strangely large number of people seem to keep blogs for their pets. In many cases, I suspect these don't get updated, as many people thought "I know, I'll keep a humerous blog for Tiddles!", and then lost interest.

Anyway, I have no pets, which denies me the opportunity to create a blog for said pet. I did briefly consider starting a blog for an imaginary pet, but decided that that would just be going so far. But, how to get in on the fun?

Well, the only other living thing in my appartment (apart from the creepy-crawlies) is my cactus. It doesn't have a name, on account of being a cactus, although it does have a rather spiffy plant pot. So, I did contemplate starting a blog for said cactus, feeling it might be quite amusing trying to capture the particular prickly sense of humour of such a thing.

Then I realised that every single entry would be the same thing:

"Once again, I find myself atop the shelves, keeping silent vigil. The tense standoff between Optimus Prime and Sorcerer on Black Dragon continues without respite. My attempts to lighten the tone by whistling some Western 'standoff' music were thwarted once again by not having a mouth. I am, however, making significant progress in my mastery of mime. I rather wish Stephen would open the blinds before he leaves in the morning, so I could enjoy the view out the window, but no such luck. Crikey, it's cold in here. I'm so bored."

Some people might think that that would be rather more entertaining than my own blog. You are invited not to comment to that effect.


Amy said...

Thanks for the invitation. I accept, as I am one of those people keeping blogs for their pets (as you well know...) ;)

Steph/ven said...

Ah, but do you update it? Or is it one of the thousands of blogs that are out there cluttering up the internet without being updated?

And would you really find the cactus blog more interesting? I'm hurt.

Amy said...

I do indeed update it, but only when interesting things happen (like going out in the snow - that was very traumatic for him!). It is in fact my student nurse blog cluttering up the internet without being updated...
And of course I wouldn't! But I do feel guilty that you had to post a blog explaining that it was meant to be funny and apologising to me for any offence caused. I really don't deserve that, especially after the comment I left!