Saturday, April 19, 2008

Cool, and not so cool

Firstly, Heroes is back on TV on Thursday! This is excellent news, especially since the Terminator series wrapped up last Thursday, opening a slot.

Additionally, I have been rather enjoying "Pushing Daisies" on ITV, although I do feel compelled to watch "300" after every episode since it's a bit girly. (Actually, it's completely girly, with absolutely no part of it whatsoever that is not entirely girly. With extra girliness, and chocolate sprinkles on top.) There's just something charming about it that I quite like. It might be the narrator - I think I'm going to have to get one of those.

However, and this is the not-cool part: ITV cunningly decided to just completely miss out the second episode! The reason for this is that there are 9 episodes in the series, and there are only room for 8 shows before Euro 2008 starts, so rather than cunningly running a double-bill, or putting it on ITV 3.5, or even (gasp) starting their football coverage a little late, they decided to just cut a bit out and hope that no-one would notice.

(And, really, it's not as if anyone will be watching Euro 2008 on ITV anyway. Not only are England not in the tournament, but the BBC do a far better job of things anyway.)

"Stephen clicked "Publish Post", then powered off his PC and went to watch some TV. He couldn't help but feel that having his very own narrator was terribly open to the possibility of disaster..."


Kezzie said...

Oh pooo, I missed Pushing up daisies, it seems charming so far!!!!

Anonymous said...

Pushing Daisies is brilliant, I love it! It started here a while ago and I can't seem to remember episode 2 now but I did read on the BBC website that they weren't showing it but would show it at another time. I am not sure if it is here, but you can check out some of the episodes:

Anonymous said...

PS: it is the episode called "Dummy" and they do have it at so you can actually watch the whole thing! Do you feel happy now?

Steph/ven said...

Sadly, it's IP locked to viewers in the US only. I suppose the ITV website here might have it.

Anonymous said...

Oh no, that is awful! And here was I thinking I would be your new best friend for providing you with this link. How about YouTube? Anything come up if you google it?

Steph/ven said...

Well, no. In fact, only have episodes 1 and 3 available.

Of course, there is always the option of downloading it via torrent sites, but that would be illegal. Plus, such sites are well known as havens for viruses, so I avoid them; I don't even have a torrent downloader on my current PC.