Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Farewell, George W. Bush

I felt it needed to be said.

Here's hoping things start to improve - we need some good news right about now.


M said...

I feel it should be "good riddance" but I suppose that is not polite of me?


Captain Ric said...

Bah! I liked George.

Word verification: precice (ah, the irony)

Steph/ven said...

Molly: It's understandable to be angry - George left America and the world in a much worse state than he found it when he took office. However, at this point I see no benefit in holding grudges or casting blame. Let's just let him go, and hope things get better.

M said...

You are right, there is no point in looking at the past, only the future, and I feel that it will be a good one. I think that I am just angry about the war the most, it is the one thing that I despised him for, but we really are in for a change and change is good!