Sunday, September 20, 2009

Experimental Cookery 'Tuesday' #52: Chicken & White Wine Stew with a Puff Pastry Lid

This proved to be vastly more successful than its predecessor. The key difference was that the cook time was much shorter, which meant that it didn't dry out. Also of note was that the wine was poured first from the bottle to the measuring jug, and then to the dish, rather than from a can direct to the dish - this may have affected how much evaporated immediately on impact.

The puff pastry lid was, frankly, rather a waste of effort. It was nice enough, but I don't think I'll bother in future. However, I certainly expect to revisit the stew itself in the future.

So, that will be 1-1 on stews. Next week I'm doing a pork & cider stew, which will be made into a "sort-of cottage pie".

1 comment:

Kezzie said...

Mmmmm, sounds good!
Word verification is orpropo